Press Releases for graffiti

  • 6266

    Political Graffiti: The Social Network Of Politics

    Political Graffiti is a new social networking site specially dedicated to politics. Its unique selling point is that it offers the most authentic and recent political updates to its members. It has gained so much popularity that within just six weeks of being launched; it was ranked number two on Google search for “Social Network of Politics”. Now, you can connect and expand your network in the political domain. Create your own group and stay tuned.

    By : | 10-12-2010 | Politics:Politics | Total Views : 6266

  • 589

    Political Graffiti: The Most Amazing Social Network Of Politics

    Political Graffiti is USA’s new social network of politics that allows you to access the latest political news. It is different from most other social networking sites and also allows you to register, connect and expand your social network. It is especially dedicated to politics but also offers a lot more apart from this. The latest news coverage, innovative features and continuous add-ons make it one of the most popular political sites of USA.

    By : | 11-26-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 589